The study of how emotions and expectations influence financial markets is known as sentiment analysis.

Short-term market movements are frequently driven by sentiment.

Sentiment indicators help to contextualize prices by determining the current status of the market.

Tracking mood provides traders with a forward-looking view of the market rather than depending on previous data, which can lead to hindsight bias.

Traders will utilize emotion indicators to determine the direction of a trade, and then technical indications or price action will be used to determine when to enter and leave a trade.

Copy Trading
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We provide clients with a free automatic copy trading. You simply create a broker account with our recommended broker then use the broker's copy trade system to automatically receive trades on your account.

Our recommended broker is Vantage Markets. You must be using Vantage Markets if you want to copy our trades.

The next process will onboard you into our copy trade system. 

You are required to enter your Meta Trader (MT4) login details in this field

Since you do not have an account yet, you will be redirected to Vantage Market client registration portal. 

You are required to register an account, verify your account and make a deposit of at least $500. Once that is done, contact us via live chat, email or on whatsapp.

Click on the Get Started below to proceed.

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